Monday, February 4, 2013

CGTS Chapters 11-16

Transmedia storytelling is a relatively new concept to me. Of course I'm aware of several examples (Star Wars and Star Trek) but I'm new on the authoring bit. While I'm both nervous and excited about this project, I do admit that reading CGTS will help to essentially create the interweaving stories.
While reading through the assigned chapters I marked a few suggestions for later use.
"Cross-link heavily. This should be a no-brainer, but it's very easy to overlook." (CGTS p. 106). I found the suggestion to provide links to various medias relating to the project in one place helpful for not only the audience but also for the author's use.
"The purpose of a story bible is to make sure that teams of creators who may not get to communicate with each other directly are nonetheless on the same page." The idea of a story bible is almost essential for any sort of writing. It includes anything pertaining to the story: characters, plot, place descriptions, and anything else pertinent to making the world as realistic as possible. This is also important because its something to refer back to when you forget pieces of the story and also prevents any differing details.
There were several other suggestions throughout, however, these are the ones I feel that we should be utilizing the most.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayla. Yes, good point about cross-linking. Notice how this saves you work by making your story more efficient - the pieces support each other, and in fact make for a better and more interesting story through the linking.You note that the author suggest creating a meta-site with links to all the sub-sites (or all the media pieces). So, if your character has a blog, and a map, and a Facebook account, and other stuff, there might be a place (on the blog perhaps?) that includes links to all of these. Second, yes the story bible is vital. Think of this more at the level of your group: the group should develop a story bible to keep your individual stories and scenario consistent.
